Measurement of Alongshore Sediment Transports at the Swash Zone of Teluk Nipah Beach

Wen Jae Yau, Hee Min Teh, Yong Hong Lim, Alan Jeyadev, Mohammad Rodzhi Abdullah


Teluk Nipah Beach of Pangkor Island, Malaysia, experienced severe erosion ever since 2017. One of the factors causing beach erosion is the change of alongshore sediment transport behavior at the site. In this study, an attempt was made to measure the alongshore sediment transport rates at the swash zone of TelukNipah Beach using an array of streamer traps. Three cycles of measurement were undertaken at the selected transects along the beach between February and September 2020. Three units of custom-made streamer traps were installed seaward, mid-point, and shoreward of the swash zone, respectively. Each streamer trap was attached with seven units of 50-microns nylon monofilament bags at different levels along its height. These bags were placed normal to the alongshore current within the swash zone of the study area. Overall, the streamer traps could capture the alongshore sediment transport at different heights of the water column within the swash zone. The sediment collected in September 2020 was courser than that collected in February 2020 due to the increased wave activities at the surf zone of Teluk Nipah Beach in September. The alongshore sediment fluxes were subsequently computed based on the measurement results, and the relationship between sediment fluxes and wave height is determined in this study. In summary, the streamer traps proposed in this study is a viable tool for measurement of alongshore sediment transports within swash zone that is subjected to mild to moderate wave conditions.



Keywords: alongshore sediment transport, water column, wave height, streamer traps, swash zone.




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