Historical Evolution of Land Cover by Remote Sensing: A Case Study

Daniela Sánchez Rios, Gloria Yaneth Flórez-Yepes, Jhon Fredy Betancur-Pérez, Y. A. Garces-Gomez


This investigation was performed for the Meandro or Madrevieja de Guarinocito District of Integrated Management, Colombia, and was carried out via remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) tools, which used satellite images, atmospheric corrections, and supervised classification. The results obtained for the twenty-six-year period indicate a gradual decline in forest cover from 1991-2017; grassland cover increased between 1991-2000 and was reduced between 2000-2017. Finally, the presence of the mosaics of grasslands and plantations cover increased considerably. Covers were identified by way of band composition, NDVI, and supervised classification. The patterns of change procedure were then implemented, which revealed that, from 1991-2000, there were no changes to 68.6%, or 1,088.9 hectares, of the area studied, and from 2000-2017, there were no changes in an area totaling 53.8%, or 854.3 hectares. Finally, based on supervised classification and the composition of Landsat band images, seven covers were identified in the District of Integrated Management, and farming systems were recognized as causes of forest cover reduction.




Keywords: remote sensing, land change modeling, multitemporal analysis, supervised classification, normalized vegetation index.




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