Effect of Drill, Foot Position, and Hand-Eye Coordination on Groundstroke Forehand Drive Ability in Novice Tennis Athletes

Muhamad Rohadi, Sugiharto, Setya Rahayu, Mugiyo Hartono


The purpose of this study was to test the influence of drill drills on groundstroke capabilities, the influence of foot position on groundstroke ability, the influence of hand-eye coordination on groundstroke ability to know the interaction between drill exercises, foot position, and hand-eye coordination to groundstroke forehand drive ability. The research was designed using quasi-experiments with factorial design. The samples in this study used purposive sampling or aiming samples; then, participants were tested using groundstroke forehand drive punch tests to determine success and accuracy levels. The data were analyzed with the ANOVA and Tukey tests. There can be significant differences in drill training models using machines and feeders against groundstroke forehand drive capabilities, there is a significant difference in influence between athletes using foot position close stance and open stance against groundstroke forehand drive ability there is a significant difference in influence between athletes who have the hand-eye coordination to groundstroke forehand drive, there is a significant interaction between the machine drill training model and feeder against the capability of groundstroke forehand drive punch, there is a significant interaction between the engine drill model and feeder against groundstroke forehand drive capability, there is a significant interaction, between foot position against groundstroke forehand drive, there is a significant interaction between drill training model, foot position, and hand-eye coordination to groundstroke forehand drive capability in novice tennis athletes. This study may improve the design of training protocols for learning groundstroke forehand drive punches.




Keywords: drill, foot position, hand-eye coordination, groundstroke forehand drive capability.




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