Nutritional Profile of Fruit and Processed Products of Tongka Langit Banana in Maluku, Indonesia
The Tongka Langit banana (Musa troglodytarum L.) boasts the unique characteristics of its fruit inflorescences standing upright towards the sky and has the potential to be developed into food products that are rich in nutritional content. This study aims to reveal the nutrient profile of the basic ingredients and processed products using the HPLC method, proximate analysis, organoleptic testing, mineral analysis, and microbiological testing. The samples of long-fruited and short-fruited bananas were obtained from the Ambon Island and Kei Besar Island, Maluku Province. The results showed that these bananas have a very high content of β-carotene and vitamin A in long fruits (66.02 mg/100g; 954.72 IU) and a very low one in short fruits (37.12 mg/100g; 212.76 IU). The vitamin B levels obtained from the analyses ranged from 0.08 to 0.13 mg/100g, and the vitamin C levels ranged from 7.06 to 10.42 mg/100g. By contrast, vitamin D was not detected, and vitamin E was present in very low amounts, ranging from 0.08 to 0.14 mg/100g. As far as processed products are concerned, the palm sugar jam was found to contain β-carotene and vitamins A, B, C, and E in a larger amount than the one found in other processed products. The proximate analysis showed that the carbohydrate, protein, and fat contents vary considerably. The organoleptic test revealed that the processed products are suitable for consumption. The analysis of minerals in the juice and peel showed high potassium and calcium levels, while some other minerals were present at adequate levels. The microbiological test of processed fruit juice and peel products showed that they are suitable for direct consumption. In conclusion, the nutritional profile of and the “PISTA” processed products resulting from the Tongka Langit banana may indicate a potential for developing community food diversification and highlight the importance of conserving this endemic germplasm and revenue for people.
Keywords: banana nutrients, high nutritional value, processed banana fruit, fruit juice, peel juice.
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