Tidore Islands City Government Policy towards Capacity Development of Pottery Craftsmen Group in Maregam Village

Mohbir Umasugi, Muhlis Hafel, Anfas, Muhammad Darsan Hi Adam


Research on Tidore Islands City Government Policy on Capacity Development of Pottery Craftsmen Group in Maregam Village was carried out because the existence of the pottery craftsmen group still received less attention from the local government, namely the Executive (Office of Industry, Trade, Cooperatives, and UKM, Tidore Islands City) and also the Legislature (DPRD of Tidore Islands City) from the perspective of human resource training, technology utilization, capital, and marketing access and there is no legal law or regional regulation to hold from government policies in the industrial sector. The data analysis method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Qualitative descriptive is a method used to explore findings in the field. The results showed that there had been various human resource training carried out, so the group of craftsmen pottery had already known enough about how to make ornamental pottery. The new ones were caused by the habit of the pottery craftsmen group traditionally producing pottery handicrafts. In terms of capital, there has been assistance from the City Government of Tidore Islands for groups of pottery craftsmen in Maregam Village by providing capital and goods loans, and access to marketing has not been maximized because marketing has only been limited only around the North Maluku area. The policy authority for pottery craftsmen in Mare Gam Village is still low.



Keywords: Policy, Executives, Legislatives, Craftsmen, Pottery.


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