Agricultural Insurance Policy Development System in Indonesia: A Meta-Analysis
Agricultural insurance is an effort to minimize risks and uncertainties in the agricultural sector business. This program is needed by farmers in Indonesia who are susceptible to the numerous risks of crop failure. So far, there are still various obstacles in the implementation of agricultural insurance in Indonesia. This study aims to describe the development of policies in the application of agricultural insurance in Indonesia. This study was carried out using the Policy Development System Engineering approach through a meta-analysis. This research produces several policy recommendations for improving the agricultural insurance system in Indonesia going forward. Some of the recommendations include increased coordination between the institutions involved, systematic information exchange between the parties, quality improvement in field staff human resources, socialization program improvement at the farmer level, establishment of quick and swift insurance claim procedures, increased role of farmer group chairpersons, an increase in premium subsidy with various schemes, and Islamic agricultural insurance policies in Indonesia. Policy recommendations are strategic steps taken by various stakeholders providing an integrated and sustainable agricultural insurance system in Indonesia.
Keywords: rice farming insurance, livestock insurance, insurance system, subsidy, strategy.
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