Symbol of Political Communications by Nahdlatul Ulama in East Java, Indonesia
For the people of East Java, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) is not just a symbol of the organization. It is an interpretation of religious teachings in practicing politics. Although Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) was created by religious figures, it was not designed to place religion as an ideology or an Islamic party. Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) is an open organization in the sense of across religions, ethnicities, races, and groups manifested in the form of a vision, mission, struggle program, membership, and leadership. This research uses the qualitative method with inductive thinking. In-depth interviews provided data collection, and data analysis was based on the subjective researchers' interpretation. Herbert Blumer's symbolic interaction theory is very relevant to be used as a tool for analysis. It is also assisted using the constructivism paradigm that explains how events or reality are created and how reality is symbolically shaped by the nahdliyin (members of Nadhlatul Ulama) in East Java. This study aims to provide an understanding of the importance of scientific studies between communication and culture of the organizational community as a tool for building political culture in the organization's role in preaching and politics.
Keywords: symbols, political communication, Nahdlatul Ulama.
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