The Constraining of Coal-Fired Power Plant Emission Contribution based on Metal Element Analysis

Poerna Sri Oetari, Haryono Setyo Huboyo, Soedarto Hadi, Karunia Dwi Hari, Slamet Isworo


Coal-fired power plants (CFPPs) emit fly ash, and its small particle size affects the health of nearby community settlements. This research was conducted to characterize the dispersion of fine and coarse particles from CFPP to determine air quality around CFPP. The method uses the results of emission characterization to model its dispersion in ambient air with an AERMOD View and 24-hour sampling for ambient air particles, and is characterized by analysis of Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). A contribution analysis was performed using the Positive Matrix Factor (PMF) receptor model. The dispersion results lead towards the settlements in six community housing areas near the two power plants and the source analysis showed that the emission sources are CFPPs, biomass and soil combustion, vehicle exhaust, and some unknown sources. A source profile analysis based on the elements in the fine and coarse particles in the air of the studied dispersion area revealed that particle yields vary depending on the location. Results for strong positive correlations in the air around CFPP with the ESP controllers for fine particles showed Na-Mg (r = +0.996, P < 0.01) and coarse particles V-Fe (r = +0.975, p < 0.01). From the ESP-WFGD, results for the fine particles showed Ca-V (r = +0.981, p< 0.01). The complete results from emission contributions to the air at R1 - R6 were 22%, 39%, 2%, 11%, 32%, and 41% for fine particles, and 8%, 14%, 20%, 14%, 14%, and 10% for coarse particles, respectively.



Keywords: fine particles, coarse particles, dispersion, pollution, contribution

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