Factors Affecting the Response of Bali's Society to Earthquake Information Using Structural Partial Least Squares Equations
Bali is a region prone to earthquakes caused by plate collision activity and back-blows from the subduction process of the Flores Ascending Fault. The geological structure of the Flores Ascending Fault in Northeast Bali triggered a large earthquake followed by a tsunami in June 2019 that spread across the south and north of the island. Due to the high potential for earthquake occurrences in Bali, a strategic planning is required to the level of earthquakes preparedness and give the earthquake information to the tourist visiting Bali. Community preparedness is, in fact, part of ensuring the safety and comfort of tourists. This research will examine the factors that affect the preparedness of the Balinese people responding to earthquake information issued by the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency. Data analysis was carried outusing the Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) approach. The results of this study indicate the factors of the earthquake risk belief, community participation, critical awareness, social trust, earthquake knowledges, earthquake experience, participation in disaster education and training, and knowledge of disaster mitigation had a significantly positive effect on the preparedness of the Balinese people for earthquake disasters.
Keywords: earthquake, preparedness, Structural Equation Modeling, Partial Least Square.
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