Application of Blockchain and Smart Contract to Ensure Temper-Proof Data Availability for Energy Supply Chain
Energy supply industries play a vital role in a country. Inefficiencies in the energy supply chain regarding tricky contests and the lack of management instantly change energy tariff calculation. This work proposes the Ethereum blockchain platform with existing traditional infrastructure to track and investigate energy supply chain activities using a unique identity with smart contracts. It maintains the records of the organization's protected and available actions to stakeholders according to the recognized collection of procedures and practices without requiring any centralized administration. The purpose of the study is to focus entirely on analyzing and developing a simplified, low-cost, and secure decentralized application (DApp) in the untrusted environment. It should be fit to quickly connect the present energy supply industry at various geological locations to track and trace the energy market's linked data.
Keywords: Blockchain, smart contract, energy supply chain, decentralization, design science.
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