The Integrations with Augmented Reality Advertisements from the Perspectives of Vietnamese Consumers
The advent of augmented reality is a dramatic technology change, contributing to closing the gap between reality and virtuality, becoming a promising marketing tool for brands. Despite other studies have found that augmented reality influences consumer responses and behavioral intention, little is known about how augmented reality influences consumer perception if it is integrated into fast-moving consumer goods advertising campaigns. This study surveys 14 respondents, divided into three groups, consumers, advertisers, and augmented reality service providers, to get insights on their perceptions and behaviors towards augmented reality -integrated advertisements. The study also employed quantitative research and questionnaires and coordinated the balance between the scales and a mass survey. 291 samples and descriptive statistics were done in this study. Some key findings from the research indicate that augmented reality interactivities positively impact consumer perception and behavioral intentions. The study also confirmed that young people, young millennials, and the first-generation Z are the most potentials because they have a high interaction with hi-technology and mobile devices. The result also shows that augmented reality can become a communication tool for Vietnam fast-moving consumer goods companies if applied strategically.
Keywords: Augmented Reality, Consumer Perception, Fast-Moving Consumer Goods Advertising, Descriptive Statistic, Vietnam
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