In Searching the Spirit of Place: Historic Semarang River with Malacca as Best Practice

R. Siti Rukayah, Muhammad Abdullah, Agung Budi Sardjono, Annica Etenia


The article describes a new idea for developing a historic river area based on the spirit of place. In some countries, this concept enables to make historic river areas be conserved and even to become objects of tourism. Malacca Malaysia reflects the spirit of place as a trade city. Unfortunately, in Surabaya and Jakarta, historic river conservation planning does not include the spirit of place in the past. Semarang City has implemented a conservation program in its old city area but has not yet touched its historic river and canal as a trading city in the VOC (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie) – Company of Trade or Dutch East Indies era. Due to the tidal flood disaster and land subsidence, the canal and its historic buildings are threatened to disappear. This paper aims to inventory the buildings and spirit of the place in the past as an important step of conserving and controlling the built heritage. Historical methods were used for data collection. The old photographs, old maps and old videos dating back to the Dutch colonial era enabled to obtained the spirit of place as a multi-ethnic trading port during the spread of Islam (14-15th century), a trading port for the VOC and the strategic area for local government. Not all cities have complete documentation or even have videos of activities on the river in their past. The accurate inventory was an effective method for developing the historic river conservation. New research results are architectural conservation concepts that require building inventory stages and finding the spirit of place before planning and designing.



Keywords: Spirit of place, Semarang River, land subsidence, Dutch Colonial Era, Trading City.

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