Influence Analysis of Different Structural Parameters on Seismic Performance of Low-rise Lightweight Steel Buildings
In order to investigate the influence of different structural parameters on the seismic performance of low-rise lightweight steel buildings,the finite element model of lightweight steel building was established by ABAQUS based on the experimental results. It shows that the finite element analysis results,in terms of fundamental frequency,acceleration and displacement responses,agree well with the experimental results. Furthermore,a parametric study based on the verified model under 9-degree frequent occurring and maximum considered earthquakes was carried out. The results show that the increase of the sheathing number and adding diagonal bracing can improve the fundamental frequency,acceleration and displacement responses of buildings,but the change of the sheathing material has little effect on it; the wall opening ratio has obvious effect on the structural response of the building under earthquake. Thus,the wall opening ratio should not be greater than 29.09%; decreasing the aspect ratio and choosing regular plan layout of lightweight steel buildings result in the increase of the natural frequency and decrease of the acceleration response and displacement response.
Keywords: low-rise lightweight steel building, shaking table tests, dynamic characteristics, seismic behavior, finite element analysis
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