Comparative Analysis of Contact and Bending Strength Using ISO and AGMA Standards in Spiral Bevel Gears with Numerical Verification
Lower implement ratio of gear strength standard still occurs in the industrial applications, which results in lack of generality for the design of gear products based on different standards.Comparative analysis of contact and bending strength using ISO 10300-2014 and ANSI/AGMA 2003-B97 standards for spiral bevel gears is carried out, which is verified by finite element contact analysis in this paper. The differences for the definition and evaluation methods of the design parameters and the correction factors between the above two standards are investigated. The effects of geometrical and working parameters of a spiral bevel gear pair on contact and bending strength are illustrated subsequently and discussed briefly. The results show that the maximum contact and bending stresses calculated by the two gear standards are largely deviated, which are closely relative to the definition and evaluation methods of the design parameters and correction factors. Furthermore, the comparative results of finite element contact analysis and the calculation results from the gear standards indicate that the fatigue strength limit of gear material and the gear strength are necessary to be included simultaneously. These results also show that a more reasonable determination of load capacity in spiral bevel gears is attained according to the safety factors of contact and bending strength.
Keywords: spiral bevel gear, ISO and AGMA standards, contact strength, bending strength, finite element contact analysis
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