Research on Balanced Longitudinal Slip Rate Based Lane Departure Assistance
This paper proposed a new differential braking without close-loop control of braking pressure.The expected yaw rate to correct vehicle trajectory was determined with a reference 2-DOF vehicle model and driver model.A slip model algorithm was adopted for the close-loop control of yaw rate to compute the additional yaw moment.A braking strategy based on balanced longitudinal slip rate was presented, which improves the lateral stability of vehicle by limiting the max absolute longitudinal slip of wheels.A fuzzy controller was developed for the servo control of braking pressure.Experiments were done on hardware in loop (HIL) simulation platform based on Carsim and Labview RT.The results have shown that the presented method can effectively avoid lane departure accidents and work robustly under various operation conditions, and meanwhile, the lateral stability is maintained.
Keywords: lane departure assistance, differential braking, longitudinal slip rate, slip model
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