Mechanical Analysis of Asphalt Concrete Overlay over Old Asphalt Pavements Considering Cross-anisotropy Properties

LIU Nengyuan, YAN Kezhen, HU Yingbin, YOU Lingyun


Considering the cross-anisotropy properties of asphalt concrete (AC), finite element numerical analysis was introduced to develop the three-dimensional (3D) Finite Element Model (FEM) of AC overlay placed on old asphalt pavements. The AC overlay and old asphalt layer were assumed to be cross-anisotropic, and the temperature field characteristics of AC overlay as well as the variations of its modulus versus temperature were considered. And the mechanical behaviors of AC overlay at high and low temperatures and the effects of the cross-anisotropy properties of AC on its deformations and strains were then investigated. The results show that the cross-anisotropy properties and modulus gradients of AC induced by temperature fields both had great effects on its mechanical behaviors.



Keywords: asphalt pavement,  asphalt concrete overlay,  cross-anisotropy,  modulus gradients,  finite element simulation

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