Simulation of Nonlinear Corrosion Damage Process in Reinforced Concrete under Chloride Environment



Corrosion of rebar significantly affects the transfer path of chloride ions in concrete, and the penetration of chloride ions as well as the erosion of rebar in concrete are two nonlinear mutually strengthening and coupling processes. This paper proposed numerical methodologies to solve the nonlinear problem. An efficient iterative algorithm was established for simultaneously analyzing the penetrating process of chloride ions into concrete and the evolution of concrete damage, and was subsequently implemented and integrated into ABAQUS with user subroutine. Efficiency and reliability of the proposed method was certified with the test data from literatures. Numerical results clearly demonstrated that the coupling process between chloride ions penetration and concrete damage evolution greatly affected the assessment of the integrity of reinforced concrete structures. The developed method could give more comprehensive evaluation of the service life of reinforced concrete structure, and provide new guidelines for the durability analysis of concrete structures under marine environment.



Keywords: durability,  corrosion damage,  chloride ion erosion,  coupling analysis

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