Digital Assessment Model to Identify Student Creativity in Constructing Mathematics Instructional Media
The innovation of this study lies in the investigation of students' creative abilities, which are implemented comprehensively in a mathematics learning media course and evaluated through digital assessment methodologies. The problem in this study was how to develop a digital assessment model to identify students' creativity in constructing mathematics learning media. This study aims to discuss the development of a digital assessment model to identify students' creativity in constructing mathematics instructional media. This study used a quantitative research method with a cross-sectional approach, involving lecturers and students from three different universities in East Java, Indonesia. The research instruments included observation guidelines, questionnaires, and focus group discussions (FGDs) to collect necessary data. Data analysis was performed using qualitative and quantitative methods. Validity was assessed through Pearson's correlation, while reliability was evaluated using Cronbach's alpha. The findings of this study indicate a high level of creativity in generating new ideas for constructing mathematics instructional media. However, the results of the questionnaires suggest that most respondents tended to modify and adapt existing instructional media. Furthermore, the implementation of mathematics instructional media constructed by students had a significant impact on their learning outcomes and motivation in schools. The results of the validity and reliability tests demonstrate that this digital assessment model is reliable and valid for use as an evaluation tool for students' creativity in the context of constructing mathematics instructional media. Based on the findings described above, it can be concluded that the digital assessment model is valid and reliable, making it suitable for assessing students' creativity in constructing mathematics instructional media.
Keywords: digital assessment; creativity; mathematics instructional media
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