Serious Video Games to Keep the Functional Autonomy in Elderly: A Systematic Revision
The use of video games and motion capture systems to maintain functional autonomy in older people is becoming increasingly significant, as they contribute to improving quality of life. The objective was to carry out a systematic review to identify the usefulness of serious video games in maintaining functional autonomy in older adults and to understand the technologies used for the analysis of their movements and the body parts that have been worked on in order to maintain functionality in the performance of their instrumental activities of daily living. The systematic review was based on the criteria proposed by the PRISMA method, and searches were carried out using the following databases: Scopus, PubMed, and IEEEXplore. In the basic search, criteria such as the use of video games, motion capture technologies, and functional autonomy in older adults were taken into account. The search was limited to open access publications published in the period 2015 to 2023, and 153 documents were analyzed, leaving 91; subsequently, 62 that did not meet the inclusion criteria were eliminated, ending with 30 articles that were directly related to the study topic. Among the findings, it was found that the creation of serious video games for older adults was aimed at multiple fields where commercial technologies prevail, which, due to their low cost, allows the interaction and implementation of gamified activities to improve the quality of life of older adults. Therefore, the work reported on the use of inertial measurement units was 12%, using the Microsoft Kinect sensor 70%, and other technologies 18%. All of these were used as motion capture systems. On the other hand, the two video games reported in the aforementioned articles showed that 20% were commercial products, whereas 80% were self-developed. The novelties that emerged through the analysis of research work were the report of a large number of studies, 70% of which focused on the objective of maintaining balance, coordination, strength, and psychophysiological postural parameters in the elderly, and the additional 30% corresponded closely to the field of physical rehabilitation. Additionally, the implementation of serious video games in older adults allows for active participation in physical activity, leaving aside conventional methods. Therefore, improvements are given from the creation of serious video games and application of mini-games, taking into account the individuality of each adult, as well as the needs, interests, and capacities, thereby achieving mental, emotional, and social balance.
Keywords: elderly; serious video games; exergames; functional autonomy
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