Didactic Strategy for University Precalculus: An Implementation of Technological Environments and Problem Solving
In initial university semesters, a low academic level in fundamental mathematics is evident. This article describes a didactic strategy focused on the development of the concept of function in the first university mathematics course. The strategy is based on the implementation of a classroom learning environment, guided by resources designed in dynamic software, and focused on problem-solving. The objective of this study is to present a comprehensive approach that not only addresses students' learning difficulties but also enhances professor preparation and the curricular structure. The contribution of this research lies in its focus on the integration of technology and problem solving as key tools for the teaching-learning process. The study was developed in three phases: (i) identification of the learning difficulties of students and professors, (ii) creation of a professor training space that addresses these difficulties, and (iii) implementation of the environment designed to improve student learning. The results indicate the necessity of revisiting the curricular structure, minimum course characteristics, professor preparation, and support material with the aim of proposing guidelines that, if implemented, can have a positive impact on teaching and learning.
Keywords: learning environments, dynamic software, activity sequences, concept of function, problem solving.
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