Motivated Consumer Innovativeness and Intention to Adopt Drone Delivery: An Empirical Study in Indonesia
Motivation serves as the foundation for innovativeness and predicts consumer responses to technological adoption. The purpose of this research is to empirically analyze the factors motivating Indonesian e-commerce users to adopt drone delivery, a disruptive technology with the potential to revolutionize logistics. Utilizing the Motivated Consumer Innovativeness (MCI) scale, we assess the applicability of this scale within the Indonesian context and assess its predictive power on consumer adoption of drone delivery, a disruptive technology with the potential to revolutionize logistics. This instrument was recently developed to measure the underlying motivation related to consumers' orientation in acquiring innovations. Moreover, the Indonesian version of the scale, translated and adapted from the original version, is composed of 22 items rated on a 7-point Likert scale. The scale was administered to equally distributed 207 participants. A confirmatory factor analysis proved that the scale's theoretical framework was supported, confirming its suitability for the Indonesian context. The results showed that MCI scale had strong psychometric properties, making it a valuable tool for experts and marketers to investigate motivation basis of consumers innovativeness that drives consumers attitude and behavioral intention toward innovations. In addition, the Indonesian version of MCI can be used to assess consumers' motivation toward innovations, providing valuable insights for product development and marketing strategies.
Keywords: consumer innovativeness, motivation, attitude, intention, drone delivery.
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