Biopsychosocial Conditions of Adolescent Childbearing Women (Case study in Probolinggo District)
This study examines the social reality of women who marry at an early age in Probolinggo District, Indonesia. This study aimed to evaluate maternal role attainment and quality of life among first-time teenage mothers. The research method employed a qualitative design with in-depth interviews with primiparous teenage mothers aged 10-19 years. The novelty of this research is that the research subject is the community of Probolinggo Regency, which has not been studied before. The findings highlight the complexity of teenage motherhood and its impact on quality of life. Women who marry young people face significant biochosocial consequences. They are confined to the role of a housewife and struggle to meet the demands of motherhood at a young age. Low mental and cognitive readiness affects mothers’ effectiveness and influences their children’s growth. Socioeconomic factors, such as low incomes and limited access to healthcare, add to the challenges faced by teenage mothers. To address these challenges, a comprehensive support system is necessary. This includes empowering women through education, providing access to reproductive and maternal healthcare services, and creating community initiatives to support their psychosocial well-being. The quality of life of early married women is significantly influenced by physical, material, social, developmental, and emotional well-being. Promotion of health focusing on family function, child growth, and reproductive health is essential for teenage mothers. This study provides a deep understanding of the reality of women who marry early. The implications emphasize the importance of appropriate interventions, including education programs and healthcare services, to improve the well-being of teenage mothers and their children.
Keywords: early marriage, teenage mothers, quality of life, biopsychosocial, Probolinggo.
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