Limiting Parameters for Supporting Performance Index Assessment of Multi-Purpose Reservoir Storage Capacity

Appolinaris Didien Trimartinni, Lily Montarcih Limantara, Pitojo Tri Juwono, Hari Siswoyo


At present, the evaluation of reservoir storage capacity is primarily focused on the capacity for water supply and has not taken into account the capacity for flood storage. In addition, the performance assessment of reservoir storage capacity has not been classified as very good, good, good enough, and not good. This research investigates the factors that influence the performance assessment of reservoir storage capacity. The research locations are in 16 dams spreading across some Indonesian islands. There are dams that have been developed and are in the stage of reservoir filling. The methodology comprises an assessment of the suitability of the reservoir storage capacity indicator through the employment of PLS-SEM. This entails the following steps: determining the variables and constructing the model, collecting data, conducting data analysis, specifying the model, estimating the model, evaluating the model, interpreting the model, validating and retesting, arranging the conclusion, and providing a final interpretation. The results show that the variables that influence are the coefficient of discharge variation (Cv), water demand for utilization (D), reservoir capacity demand for flood storage (Df), and carry-over reservoir storage capacity (KA). The influence of the four variables on multi-purpose reservoir storage capacity has not been extensively analyzed in the assessment of the performance index for such reservoirs.


Keywords: reservoir storage capacity, performance index, partial least squares structural equation modeling.

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