Improvement of the Environmental Performance of Canned Pineapple Production Based on Life Cycle Assessment

Siti Yultria, Andes Ismayana, Moh. Yani


Canned pineapple products have great potential for Indonesia’s export and agricultural sectors. The purpose of this research is to conduct the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of canned pineapple products and to determine how to reduce their environmental impacts. The LCA method comprises goal and scope definition, inventory analysis, impact analysis, and interpretation stages. The scope of this research is gate-to-gate and covers the entire pineapple production process, starting from the arrival of raw materials at the production gate and ending with the final product from the factory. Environmental impacts are focused on global warming potential (GWP), acidification potential (AP), and eutrophication potential (EP). The findings identified various inputs and outputs in the canned pineapple production process, including pineapple raw materials, electrical energy, packaging, waste, and emissions. The functional unit (FU) of canned pineapple is 0.5873 kg/can, and it shows three environmental impacts as follows: GWP at 5.14E-02 kg-CO2-eq/kg-canned pineapple, AP at 2.62E-04 kg-SO2-eq/kg-canned pineapple, and EP at 2.01E-04 kg-PO34-eq/kg-canned pineapple. The main emissions come from thermal power plants in factories, so improvements are proposed by renewable energy sources, such as solar photovoltaic (SPV), which achieves a reduction of 71.78% GWP, 67.94% AP, and 93.24% EP. The substitution of sub-bituminous coal with anthracite reduced 75.29% GWP and 73.48% AP but increased 88.66% EP. Coal substitution to Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) reduced 16.79% AP and 94.49% EP but increased 44.69% GWP. The utilization of solid waste for juice production can reduce 98.91% GWP, 97.53% AP, and 97.13% EP. The utilization of liquid waste as biogas can reduce 70.92% GWP, 96.12% AP, and 95.1% EP. Substituting renewable energy from SPVs and utilizing wastewater or solid wastes can reduce the environmental impacts of GWP, AP, and EP compared to substituting bituminous coal with anthracite or LNG.


Keywords: acidification, eutrophication, global warming potential, life cycle assessment, pineapple processing.

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