Flow Characteristics due to End Sill Addition in the Flow along the Spillway Channel

Yogi Pandhu Satriyawan, Very Dermawan, Pitojo Tri Juwono


This research aims to investigate the flow characteristics with the end sill addition at the first and second points in the flow along the spillway channel. The research location is the Bagong Dam in the Bagong River, Trenggalek Regency, East Java Province, Indonesia. Bagong River is in the Ngrowo-Ngasinan Sub-watershed, a sub-watershed of the Brantas Watershed. The Bagong River contributes to heavy floods, so the flood control fully fulfilled the flood requirements in Trenggalek City and surrounding areas. The methodology consists of data collection of daily rainfall, analysis of the design rainfall using frequency analysis, analysis of the hourly rainfall distribution, analysis of the efficient rainfall, and analysis of the flood hydrograph as input to computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The result is a design alternative for determining the two end sill points used to determine the flow pattern and recommend energy dissipators in the Bagong Dam.


Keywords: end sill, spillway, Bagong Dam.



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