Youth Entrepreneurial Intentions and the Mediating Effect of Motivation: Evidence from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Truong Dinh Thai, Bui Duc Sinh


This research examines the factors affecting the entrepreneurial aspirations of young people in Ho Chi Minh City, with the goal of determining the extent to which these elements impact the formation of entrepreneurial intentions and proposing practical strategies to foster future entrepreneurship. Based on a comprehensive literature review, this article proposes a research model that incorporates factors such as ability, subjective norms, attitude, opportunity, perceived behavioral control, entrepreneurial motivation, and entrepreneurial intention, with entrepreneurial motivation acting as an intermediary. The study utilized the SPSS 25.0 and AMOS 25.0 software to test the research hypotheses using structural equation modeling. Data were collected from 326 participants through the face-to-face survey method. The analysis of the structural equation model indicates that factors such as ability, subjective norms, opportunity, attitude, and perceived behavioral control indirectly influence entrepreneurial intentions through entrepreneurial motivation. Additionally, ability and opportunity have a direct impact on the entrepreneurial intentions of the youth. The intermediary role of entrepreneurial motivation is a novel aspect in the context of this research. To encourage youth to engage more actively in entrepreneurial activities, it is essential to foster their entrepreneurial motivation, which is linked to structured entrepreneurship education and training programs at various educational levels, thus instilling entrepreneurial spirit from early schooling. These findings provide a robust foundation for developing policy recommendations and effective support mechanisms to promote and enhance entrepreneurial intentions among the youth of Ho Chi Minh City.


Keywords: entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial motivation, entrepreneurial intention, youth, Ho Chi Minh City.

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