Mathematical Modeling in Teaching-Learning Ordinary Differential Equations: A Case Study of Series Electric Circuits

Eider Leandro Arcila Dager, Víctor Manuel Uribe Villegas, Mario Germán Domínguez Pombo


The objective of this study is to establish the relationship between mathematical modeling and practices developed in the teaching-learning of ordinary differential equations through a strategy based on the determination and solution of first-order differential equations that mathematically model the potential differential in a capacitor connected to an electric circuit in series with a resistor. This electrical situation is a physical phenomenon that exhibits a logarithmic curve during the charging period. This study is based on the context of a differential equations course at a Colombian university using three methodological alternatives to achieve the objective: 1) theoretical model, 2) simulated model, 3) mathematical modeling through numerical differentiation of the 1st order and with the use of technology. The analysis of the results was based on a comparison between models using the coefficient of determination.


Keywords: electrical circuits, mathematical modeling, numerical differentiation, ordinary differential equation.

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