Impact of Sociocultural and Economic Factors on the Non-Technical Components of the Raw Water Performance Index Model
Socio-cultural and economic factors encompass the norms, values, customs, practices, and mindsets that are commonly accepted and transmitted across generations within a society. The aspects of socio-culture play an important role in forming individual identity and behavior in society. Water and nature are directly related by ontology; therefore, humans’ consideration of water and nature plays an important role in the system of trust, religion, and world culture tradition. This research intends to analyze the effects of socio-economic factors and culture on the management of water resources in Nusa Tenggara Barat Province, mainly in Lombok Island and Sumbawa Island. The methodology consists of analysis using PLS-SEM to evaluate nontechnical variables that focuses on the socioeconomic dimension and culture. The result shows that factors such as water accessibility, water price, and the surrounding society culture regarding water sources have a significant influence on raw water performance. The result of the model shows good validity and reliability with consistent effect values from socioeconomic and cultural dimensions. This foundation provides a better understanding of the importance of analyzing socio-economic and cultural aspects in managing water resources. It is important to determine water sustainability and availability that is suitable for society, mainly in vulnerable areas like Nusa Tenggara Barat Province.
Keywords: water resource management, economics, socio-culture, raw water performance.
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