Relationship between Architectural Form, Function, and Meaning in Cathedral Churches

Celina Marey Chia, Antariksa


The emergence of irregularities within the Catholic Church began to surface primarily after the Second Vatican Council, coinciding with the rapid development of churches that deviated from the liturgical provisions set forth by the Catholic Church. This trend has led to a diminishing sense of sacredness within these places of worship. It is crucial to recognize the interplay between form, function, and meaning in the evolution of the Catholic Church architecture. This study delves into the architectural form, function, and meaning of cathedral churches, with a specific focus on the Ijen Cathedral Church in Malang, Indonesia. The church underwent renovations in 2002 for maintenance, resulting in several alterations. The methodology employed in this research includes research preparation, implementation, data analysis, and the documentation of research findings. The findings indicate that within the Ijen Cathedral Church, the interplay between form, function, and meaning illustrates that these elements complement each other to form a harmonious unity. The sacredness of this church can be felt through the attention to the three aspects. Therefore, it can be concluded the Ijen Cathedral Church exemplifies the interconnected relationship between form, function, and meaning in Catholic architecture. It plays a crucial role in creating sacred and meaningful spaces for its congregation.


Keywords: architecture, form, function, meaning, Ijen Cathedral Church.

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