Needs for Implementing a Production-Based Problem Learning Model on Technopreneurship Courses to Improve the Quality of Engineering Education for Graduates
This study delves into the necessity of incorporating effective teaching strategies to enhance the academic performance of engineering students. It explores the utilization of a learning model that integrates two approaches - production-based learning and problem-based learning. Additionally, it examines various teaching strategies, including modules utilized in lecturer-centered and student-centered learning environments. The culmination of these strategies results in the development of a production-based problem learning model. The process of merging two learning models to create a new, integrated approach emphasizes production-based learning with a problem-solving orientation at its core. This innovative method involves analyzing a problem thoroughly before generating a tangible solution. Ultimately, this results in the development of a product that addresses the initial issue. This study uses descriptive survey methods and quantitative and qualitative methods to analyze data. These findings show that there are clear needs for lecturers and students in the lecture process on technopreneurship courses, especially in aspects of modules, teaching materials, and learning models. The study also emphasizes the importance of developing learning models that contribute to the quantity and quality of graduates with an entrepreneurial mindset in engineering and computer science faculties.
Keywords: needs analysis, learning model, graduate, education quality.
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