Role of Accountability Policy in the Influence of Internal and External Organizational Factors on the Performance of Public Service Organizations

Intan Shaferi, Rio Dhani Laksana, Alisa Tri Nawarini, Ekaningtyas Widiastuti


Performance of public organizations is closely related to service quality. Various factors influence the performance of public service providers. In this research, internal and external organizational factors will be tested for their influence on the performance of public service providers through the role of accountability policies. The role of accountability policies is essential. To provide the best performance, there is a role in maintaining quality that needs to be done. The research was conducted on 200 state civil servant respondents in the regions of West Java, Central Java, Yogyakarta Special Region, and East Java of Indonesia. The objective of this study was to analyze the internal and external factors influencing public service performance, both directly and indirectly, through the mediating variable of accountability policy. The methodology employed utilizes a quantitative approach, specifically the partial least squares-structural equation modeling method. This research found that both internal and external factors of an organization have an effect on performance, directly and indirectly, by adding the mediating variable accountability policy.


Keywords: organization performance, public service, internal factors, external factors, accountability policies.

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