Decision Framework for Strategic Deployment of a Supply Chain

Rafael Guillermo García-Cáceres, Nini Johanna Rodríguez-Álvarez, Cesar Augusto López-Ramírez


A supply chain strategic decision-making framework is developed by characterizing this particular type of decision, determining its constraints and criteria, and establishing the relationship it holds with them. To develop the SC strategic decision framework, a literature review was conducted on existing characterization methodologies that had been identified. The decision-making framework outlined in this study consists of the following key components: strategic decision-making, identification of influencing factors, establishment of criteria, and the interplay between strategic decisions, criteria, and determining factors. This study establishes a context that facilitates obtaining inputs for multi-criteria decision techniques, which significantly facilitates the work of strategic decision-makers. The novelty of this work is that it develops a strategic decision structure that links the criteria, variables, and theoretical and methodological frameworks in which the decision is epistemologically supported.


Keywords: decision framework, strategic decisions, supply chain.

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