Anthropometric Training Impact on CHWs’ Skills in Child Height Measurement in Indonesia

Haripin Togap Sinaga, Marni Siregar, Berlin Sitanggang


This study evaluates the effectiveness of body measurement training for community health workers (CHWs) using a modified length board. The research is quasi-experimental, with a pretest and posttest non-equivalent group design. A total of 60 CHWs measured the length of 80 children in the intervention and control groups. The effect of the intervention was determined using the chi-square test. After the intervention, there was a significant change in CHWs’ skills in positioning children, reading measurement results, and determining nutritional status. There were few differences in measurement results between the length board and the distance measuring tool. Overall, body measurement training with the modified length board as the main medium effectively improves CHWs’ skills in measuring height and determining nutritional status.


Keywords: community health worker, nutrition status, anthropometric training, children.

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