Optimization of Energy Utilization in Aquaculture Ponds by Automation and IoT Monitoring

Ridwan Ridwan, M. Alvin Mubarok, Rudi Irawan


Maintaining water quality in aquaculture, such as temperature and pH, is crucial because the life of organisms is dependent on the quality of the water. The water temperature can indicate the condition of the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration. Aerators play an important role in the aeration system of aquatic ponds. However, it requires quite large operational costs, especially due to the large energy consumption by the aerator system. The research reported here provides a method to optimize the energy management in aquaculture aeration systems using automation and monitoring systems based on the Internet of Things (IoT). The research developed a system that can guarantee the optimum DO concentration and pH with efficient energy consumption. The rotation speed of the aerator motor is set proportional to the water temperature, which relates to the DO concentration. The higher the concentration, the higher the rotation speed of the aerator because it indicates a lower DO concentration. This results in the concentration of DO being optimized with optimum energy consumption. The pH of water is set to neutral by regulating the salt sprinkler. If the pH is low, the salt sprinkler will pour the salt until the pH is neutral. The controlled parameters are also remotely monitored via IoT and displayed on an LCD and smartphone. The research results show that the system can optimize the energy used by the aerator system to guarantee the optimum condition of aquatic water because the aerator and pH controller function proportionally to the real need. The results can help aquatic farmers to optimize the energy use by the aerator system without sacrificing the water quality by using an automated IoT real-time monitoring system. The monitoring system can record data that can be used by farmers to further improve yield and reduce cost.


Keywords: aerator, aquaculture, energy, Internet of Things, automation.



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