Suitability of Coastal Tourism Resources in the Mandalika and Buffer Regions of the Central Lombok Regency

Dewi Susiloningtyas, Abinawanto, Andini Dwi Khairunnisa Daulay, Annisa Azzahara


The use and allocation of areas in Indonesia, especially Lombok Island as a beach tourism location, provides ample opportunities for tourism development. Kuta Mandalika Beach, Tanjung Aan Beach, and Selong Belanak Beach have different physical and social characteristics as tourist resources for the Mandalika and buffer areas. The purpose of  this study is to analyze the suitability of coastal tourism resources at Kuta Beach (located in a special economic zone) and Selong Belanak Beach (located in a buffer zone) regarding physical and social elements. The research uses a quantitative methodology based on scoring, as reflected in the field survey, data processing results, and descriptive analysis. Based on the study’s results, eight parameters of physical aspects (beach type, beach coastline length, water base material, depth, current speed, hazardous biota, land cover, freshwater availability, and social aspect ) were used (4A components; attraction, accessibility, amenities and ancillary). The Tourism Suitability Index (TSI) for Kuta Mandalika Beach is 2.60, Tanjung Aan Beach is 2.40, and Selong Belanak Beach is 2.57. The result shows that two beaches (Kuta and Selong Belanak) are very suitable, and Tanjung Aan is just suitable. Locations suitable for developing into beach tourism-based recreational locations, both within special economic and buffer zones. The suitability of the three beaches is undoubtedly a shared responsibility to establish the Central Lombok Regency area by relying on the tourism sector, which can support regional development.


Keywords: suitability, resources, coastal tourism, Mandalika, buffer region, Central Lombok.

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