Exploring Trigonometric Treasures: A Dynamic Approach to Teaching the Sine and Cosine Functions Using Realistic Mathematics Education and GeoGebra - A Case Study
This study is situated within the framework of realistic mathematics education (RME) and presents a classroom proposal aimed at illuminating and modeling everyday periodic phenomena. Emphasis is placed on recognizing periodic functions as fundamental tools for characterizing the sine and cosine trigonometric functions. The investigation uses the concept of mathematization levels to delineate the transition from informal to formal knowledge through real-world problem-solving using the GeoGebra platform. This research was conducted with tenth-grade students at the San Vicente Educational Institution in the Buenaventura District. The outcomes reveal that students engaged in activities, and subsequent analyses demonstrate a nuanced understanding of periodic phenomena within realistic contexts. This comprehension encompasses proficiency in various representation systems, including tabular, graphical, and algebraic methods. Moreover, the process of progressing from informal to formal knowledge is marked by incremental levels of mathematization, encompassing both horizontal and vertical processes. The main focus of this research is to characterize the process of mathematization within a realistic context, particularly concerning the sine and cosine trigonometric functions, and evaluate the strengths and limitations of this approach. This study underscores the potential of RME for elucidating intricate mathematical modeling processes within real-world contexts. These insights underscore the value of integrating authentic scenarios to foster a comprehensive understanding of mathematical concepts. Challenges are also acknowledged, particularly in achieving the formalization of generalized models. Thus, this research contributes to discussions on effective mathematics education by showcasing the transformative potential of contextualized pedagogical strategies.
Keywords: realistic mathematics education, trigonometric functions, levels of mathematization, context, levels of understanding.
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