Effects of Transformational Leadership and Teamwork on Organizational Innovation and Performance at P3 Professional Certification Institutions (LSP) in East Java, Indonesia

Prapto Rusianto, Ida Aju Brahmasari, Ida Aju Brahma Ratih


In this increasingly competitive era of globalization, competency certification is a requirement for individuals to enter the workforce according to their competence. In supporting the implementation of BNSP certification, it can grant licenses to professional certification bodies (LSP) to carry out professional competency certification on behalf of BNSP. In particular, this research involved LSP P3 to examine how transformational leadership, teamwork, innovation, and organizational performance influence the P3 Professional Certification Institute (LSP) in East Java, Indonesia. The population in this study was LSP P3 in East Java, with 70 LSP. Sampling was selected by total sampling, and the results were obtained from 150 respondents. The data obtained will be analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) with the AMOS statistical program. The study’s results prove that 1) transformational leadership and teamwork have a significant effect on organizational innovation, 2) transformational leadership has no significant effect on organizational performance, and 3) teamwork and organizational innovation have a significant effect on organizational performance.


Keywords: transformational leadership, teamwork, innovation, organizational performance.



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