The Effects of Competence and Self-Leadership on Role Conflict and Organizational Commitment in LSP-P1 in Indonesia: A Moderation Model of Interpersonal Communication

Ida Aju Brahma Ratih


The implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015 intensively held competency tests to measure the ability of the Indonesians and to have a high selling value compared to people of other countries. Community competence can be measured by holding a competency test in which the results of the competency test are in the form of professional competency certification. BNSP grants licenses to Professional Certification Institutions (LSP) in performing its duties. This study aims to prove and analyze the effects of 1) Competence and Self-Leadership on Role Conflict, 2) Competence, Self-Leadership, and Role Conflict on Organizational Commitment, 3) Interpersonal Communication on the effect of Competence and Self-Leadership on Role Conflict. The population of this study is the competence assessors of professional certification institutions in Indonesia. The sampling technique used was proportional random sampling and obtained a total sample of 411 respondents. Data were collected using the survey method by distributing questionnaires, while the analysis technique used was structural equation modeling (SEM) through AMOS. The results of this study prove that; 1) competence and self-leadership have a significant effect on role conflict, (2) self-leadership and role conflict have a significant effect on organizational commitment, and (3) interpersonal communication moderates the effect of competence and self-leadership on role conflict. The novelty of this research is that competence has no significant effect on organizational commitment, which is an intrapersonal strength if it is related to organizational or interpersonal commitments, both of which have weak motivation to be related to each other.


Keywords: competence, self-leadership, role conflict, organizational commitment, interpersonal communication.

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