Communication, Incentives, and Stress Impacts on Nurse Performance in Hajj Hospital, Jakarta
Syarif Hidayatullah University, Jakarta has a cultural background as an Islamic hospital, and this university has Hajj Hospital. Accordingly, Islamic culture will also be applied to nurses in the inpatient room of the Hajj Hospital. The purpose of this research was to examine the communication of nurses in the inpatient room of Hajj Hospital, and incentive their performance. Method of research-applied research, quantitative data, survey study, variables of study: communication, incentive, and nurses’ performance. Collect data using Google form on line, total population nurses in inpatient unit 96 persons, analysis with analysis factor by spss, validity and reliability, Spearman correlation, simple and multiple linear regression. Findings 90.6 % female, 77.1% age ≥ 30 years, 81.3% working experience ≥ 5 years, education 100% graduates. The correlation analyzed was fine significant p values 0.001 for communication and p value 0.070. for incentive. Result communication p.001, incentive p.0.023, R. 0.377, R2 0.142. Conclusive communication and incentive were the effects of nurse performance after stress control.
Keywords: nurse performance, communication, incentive.
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