Review of Optical and Inertial Technologies for Lower Body Motion Capture
Motion capture systems play a vital role in diverse fields of knowledge, impacting multimedia content creation, sports, and assistive technologies in health sciences. This article offers an overview of human motion capture technologies with a focus on lower body analysis. Recent advancements are presented by compiling papers selected through the PRISMA method. The data were searched and extracted from various databases such as MDPI, IEEE Xplore, and Scopus, narrowing the observation window from 2018 to 2022, where 24 articles form the core of the review. The results indicate that 41% of the papers deal with technologies based on optical sensors, 24% with technologies based on MEMS sensors, 14% with technologies based on radar sensors, and 21% report the use of MEMS and optical sensor technologies. The technologies used were analyzed for their characteristics, motion information processing techniques, the type of results derived from each system, and their final applications. Based on this review, it is evident that there is a need to develop robust wearable systems that allow the fusion of different types of sensors to compensate for the weaknesses of each motion capture technology. In conclusion, the current state of motion capture technology emphasizes the development of health and rehabilitation applications.
Keywords: artificial vision, Doppler, gait analysis, inertial systems, microelectromechanical sensors, motion capture systems, optical systems.
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