Implementation of Islamic Business Ethics in Drop Shipping Systems
Drop shipping is a transaction mechanism in the e-market place that is increasingly popular because this system does not require large capital from a seller. A seller will still sell his goods to buyers directly, but the inventory is still in the supplier’s possession. Thus, the tendency for ethical violations in such mechanisms is quite large. This is because the seller does not clearly know the goods he has sold to the buyer, which has the potential for conflict between the seller and the buyer. As a Muslim who adheres to the teachings of his religion, the seller must be able to apply Islamic business ethics in conducting the mechanism of drop shipping transactions. This research aims to explore the implementation of Islamic business ethics, which consists of the dimensions of Unity of God, benevolence, justice, sincerity, balance, responsibility and vicegerency. This topic of research is relatively novel since there is still a limited amount of research regarding the implementation of Islamic business ethics on the drop shipping system. This is qualitative research, where relevant information was collected through literature studies by examining references to build the theoretical basis of this research. The findings reflect that the implementation of Islamic business ethics in drop shipping systems was legit. Academics should continue to explore the application of Islamic business ethics to other fields to broaden their insight and knowledge.
Keywords: drop shipping, Islamic business ethics, marketplace, transaction.
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