Comparison and Selection of Open Source E-Learning Systems Based on Users’ Emotional Preferences Regarding Its Interface

Ana Hadiana, Abdurrohman


One of the important elements in information system software is the user interface, which has the role of bridging between users and the inner system. Therefore, it is critical to analyze what users feel and to consider it in the design process to build a suitable user interface for the application of information systems. This study aimed to apply Kansei analysis to explore users’ feelings related to the user interface and to analyze the relationships between users’ feelings presented by Kansei words. Semantic differentials of 5 points were used in collecting data questionnaires. The research collected eight Kansei words and found that the Kansei word “Modern” has the greatest emotional influence to determine the appropriate e-learning system. The authors also found that there are also three Kansei words that have strong relationships with the Kansei words “Modern” and could be considered as alternatives. Kansei analysis using multivariate methods such as principal component and factor analyses were used to help the educational institutes in analyzing six open source e-learning systems as specimens. The adoption of Kansei analysis could help in the decision to recommend the Forma e-Learning system to be implemented.


Keywords: emotional feeling, open source e-learning, Kansei analysis, Kansei words, user interface.

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