The Influence of Social Media on Purchase Decisions of Internet of Things (IoT) Devices
Today, social media advertisements have been playing a vital role in developing brand awareness and governing consumer purchase choices. This study investigated the role of social media advertisements in influencing consumer purchase choices of Internet of Things (IoT) devices at four universities in Karachi, Pakistan. The survey study was conducted by selecting 100 students using simple random sampling. Frequency distribution analysis of the survey responses was performed, and correlation and regression analyzes performed to identify the impact of various variables on the purchase decisions of students. From the demographic variables, income was found to be positively associated with the purchase of IoT devices, whereas no correlation was found for the influence of age or gender. Moreover, students’ responses indicated that their purchase choices were influenced by social media advertisements and online reviews. However, the limited present use of social media by the IoT companies has also been highlighted as majority of the participants indicated that the IoT advertisements over social media are uncreative and that much awareness about IoT products was not created via social media. The findings are expected to help the IoT sector develop efficient social media marketing strategies.
Keywords: Internet of Things, students, social media.
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