Examination of High School Students' Aspirations and the Related Contextual Variables
As part of the studies conducted to investigate the career development of high school students. In this study, the researchers are interested in investigating the field of study aspired by students' higher school and associated contextual factors. Finding may be useful to design programs appropriate to help students in their vocational development. Participants were randomly selected from students' high school following their study in Azilal city Morocco. 75 students responded to the questionnaire, our sample consists of 24 men and 51 females with an average age of 17.91±1.09. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical tests by SPSS 26.00 software. The results show the post-secondary education courses preferred by students and a significant rate of undecided. Results show that educational aspirations are formed based on students' interests and academic performance, and regional and international labor market conditions are also considered. The finding provides sociological information on the context of the shaping of educational aspirations in higher school.
Keywords: higher school, contextual factors, educational aspiration, field of study.
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