Radicalism Assessment as a Concept of Countering Radicalism through Social Media in Indonesia

Wahyu Hadingrat, Sigid Suseno, Elisatris Gultom, Dadang Rahmat Hidayat


Radicalism is often associated with violent ideas and is considered to be a breeding ground for terrorism. This is because radicalism is an attitude that seeks a complete overhaul of established values and norms and often resorts to violence to achieve its goals. Meanwhile, some view counter-radicalism efforts as an authoritarian approach by the government and contrary to international human rights. The government is not targeting critical ideas but rather those inciting hatred, hostility and violence, leading to terror. In Indonesia, countering radicalism cannot rely solely on repressive measures, but preventive strategies should be implemented by identifying its perpetrators. This includes addressing radicalism in cyberspace, such as social media, where hate speech and incitement are often spread. Therefore, it is essential to have a rigorous assessment process to identify and evaluate potentially radical actions. This process measures the level of exposure to radicalism among those propagating radical content on social media, which determines whether they will attend a deradicalization Islamic boarding school or face the criminal justice system. In conclusion, this study ensures that measurable action is taken against the spread of radicalism on social media.


Keywords: assessment, radicalism, concept of countering, social media, Indonesia.



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