Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity and Toxicity of Cinnamomum Burmannii B. from Different Provinces of Indonesia
Cinnamomum burmannii B. is an indigenous spice plant from Indonesia that is commonly used as a folk medicine. Differences in the location of cinnamon cultivation in Indonesia can affect its bioactive compounds, which have therapeutic value. This study aims to evaluate the antioxidant activity and toxicity of C. burmannii extracts from five different Indonesian provinces where the location of cultivation may influence the plant bioactive compounds. Total phenolic and flavonoid contents were determined using Folin-Ciocalteu and AlCl3 methods, respectively. The antioxidant activity was measured using the DPPH assay and toxicity was assessed using the BSLT method. Results showed that C. burmannii extracts from different locations had varying total phenolic and flavonoid content (82.42 ± 3.4—316.26 ± 20.94 mg GAE/g and 18.08 ± 0.23—96.10 ± 7.97 mg QE/g, respectively) as well as antioxidant activity and toxicity (170.54 ± 24.61—43.85 ± 1.09 µg/mL and 826.10 ± 57.79—341.95 ± 32.24 µg/mL, respectively). The presence of active secondary metabolites in these extracts including phenolic and flavonoid compounds was found to contribute to their antioxidant and toxicity properties. The study emphasizes the importance of the location of cinnamon cultivation in determining its bioactivity and the bark of C. burmannii products from Indonesia, particularly from the five provinces included in this study, can be considered relatively safe for consumption within reasonable limits. Further comprehensive research is necessary to assess the safety of cinnamon for human consumption due to the variability in coumarin content and the potential toxicity risks associated with its use, especially from Indonesian sources.
Keywords: antioxidants, brine shrimp lethality test, cinnamon, DPPH, Indonesia, methanol extract.
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