A Hypothetical Model of Gender-Responsive Parenting Education to Improve Parents’ Competence in Children Care

Ari Putra, Ihat Hatimah, Uyu Wahyudin, Iip Saripah


This study describes the development of a conceptual framework for gender-oriented parenting education program to increase parental competence in providing child care. This study uses qualitative methods by applying the initial research and development activities steps. The development stage of this research was conducted by conducting a preliminary study, developing learning scenarios, preparing learning procedures, and evaluating a gender-responsive parenting education model system. This research was conducted in the Non-formal Education of Bengkulu Tengah Regency. The results of this study are in the form of gender-responsive parent class learning prototypes to increase parental competence in providing care to children. The gender-responsive parenting education learning construct is designed using think-pair-share to run the model. The design indicators for measuring the success model are the level of understanding, motivation to learn, and consistency of the number of participants in gender-responsive parent classes, with a proportion of more than 75%. The novelty of this hypothetical model is the availability of learning constructs for parents that can increase parents' ability to implement parenting based on gender-responsive parenting values in the family so that children's growth and development become optimal and gender inequality practices decrease with increasing gender-responsive parenting.


Keywords: parenting education, gender responsiveness, parenting competence.



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