E-Wallet Usage Intention in Selangor, Malaysia

Sudhashini Nair, Neeta Jayabalan, Ilangovan Perumal


According to a report by Fintech News Malaysia, there are more than 53 e-wallets in Malaysia, with the industry occupying 19% of Malaysian Fintech space. Furthermore, in Malaysia, e-wallets such as GrabPay, Boost, Ipsos, and Touch’n Go remain some of the preferred e-wallet applications as the cashless and contactless benefits of e-wallets were beneficial during the COVID-19 pandemic. As there was a surge in the usage of e-wallets, especially in Selangor, Malaysia. Thus, it is important to examine the influence of variables such as perceived COVID-19 risk, perceived usefulness, government support, and perceived ease of use with the intention to use e-wallets in Selangor, Malaysia. As there are still lack of studies, especially in the Malaysian context, the aim of the research was to study the possible influence that these variables may have on the intention to use e-wallets in Selangor, Malaysia. Subsequently, this would impact policymakers toward the enhancement of e-wallet applications in Malaysia. The study used a deductive approach with questionnaires distributed online to 200 consumers in Selangor. SPSS was used to conduct the data analysis. The results of the study showed that all the variables of the study (perceived COVID-19 risk, perceived usefulness, government support and perceive ease of use) had significant positive relationships with intention to use e-wallets in Selangor, Malaysia. The findings of this research revealed that consumers place importance on government support especially during a time of crisis and consumers desire e-wallet applications to be user-friendly and useful, which is the scientific novelty of this study. Implications of the research findings are presented as well.


Keywords: intention to use e-wallet, perceived COVID-19 risk, perceived usefulness, government support, perceived ease of use.



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