Pattern of Community Participation in Holistic-Integrative Early Childhood Services in Garut District
This study aims to analyze the forms and levels of community participation in holistic-integrative early childhood services at Tk Al-Mukhlis, Tarogong Kaler District, Garut Regency, West Java Province. With a quantitative approach, this research is descriptive. The data obtained on an ex post facto basis are expected to accurately describe individual characteristics, circumstances, symptoms, or certain groups or find the spread (frequency) of a symptom and other symptoms in the community in Dukuh Village, Pananjung Village, Tarogong Kaler District, Garut Regency, in particular who came from elements: the precise foundation, educators and education staff Al Mukhlis, and guardian parents, which were then determined as a sample of 89 people. The research results show that: 1) Al Mukhlis Kindergarten has organized a holistic-integrative early childhood service program systematically 2) forms of community participation provided in holistic-integrative aged childhood services at all three stages, which are very varied and experiencing changes. The most dominant form of participation given by the community is in the form of contributions of ideas or thoughts; 3) the level of community participation provided in holistic-integrative aged child services at the three stages tends to increase at each stage. The results of the analysis show that from the initial stage of activity implementation in the form of planning, which is then followed by the implementation stage, up to program evaluation, the level of participation provided by the community is slowly increasing, from the lower ladder, namely consultation at the planning stage. The author conducted a different study and had not been carried out by previous research, where the context of the research carried out was community participation in holistic-integrative early childhood development services, using different indicators from previous research, namely participation of ideas, the participation of labor, the participation of property, participation of skills, and social participation.
Keywords: community participation, holistic-integrative early childhood, services.
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