Performance of the Existing Canal Blocking in the Peatland Conservation and Restoration Management
This research intends to investigate the real understanding of the performance of canal blocking based on the most effective and efficient five types of canal blocking in the peatland restoration and conservation management. The protection and management of peatland ecosystems are systematic and integrated efforts for conserving and preventing the peatland ecosystem function damage, including the design, usage, and controlling as one whole unit that interplay in the form of balance, stability, and productivity. The methodology based on the restoration management in conserving the peatlands must be comprehensively conducted; it means that the handing pattern must refer to the peatlands hydrology unity (KHG) that includes protected area (upstream part), limited cultivation buffer area, and cultivation area (downstream part), considering the legal aspect in area, social aspect, and technical aspect to obtain an optimal system of canal blocking installing, to make a model of handling pattern that refers to the peatlands hydrology unity that is to identify the problem of peatland restoration and conservation management based on the zone parameters of peatland scientific hydrology management, aspect that affects the blocking type model, and the type of blocking construction. Based on the canal blocking five types’ classification, they have each role and function, which will be effective and efficient if used due to the selected parameters of canal blocking in managing the conservation and restoration of peatlands that refers to the comprehensive peatlands’ hydrology unity.
Keywords: canal blocking, restoration management, conservation, peatlands.
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